Pokémon Sword & Shield take place in the Galar Region. Now, do your best to create a fun and worthy team.The Galar Region in its entirety. Check out our Pokémon PvP Spotlights for in depth move analyses. This guide is not exhaustive and does not touch on potential movesets which can be somewhat subjective. It’s up to you to choose whichever team you want and create teams, but this guide is intended to make those decisions a little easier. This is intended to be a general guide to equip you with the necessary knowledge to build a basic team that will perform well in the Ultra League. The lead, switch, and closer positions are important for the current meta and game play, but you can potentially pick outside of these parameters.

When choosing a team, make sure you are covering your type weaknesses and creating a well balanced team. Most battlers will likely choose this game type over regular Ultra League to avoid costly and difficult legendary Pokémon. Premier Cup allows for a much more diverse meta and opens up your options, which makes this game type very popular among battlers. The current meta favors Water, Ghost, Poison, Fairy and Fighting types. Some Pokémon may be listed multiple times if they are viable in multiple categories and top ranked. If you do not have shadow versions powered up, the regular versions are good too. In most cases, the shadow versions of listed Pokémon will slightly out rank the regular versions.

Choose a “Lead”, a “Switch, and a “Closer” for you team from the list below for a viable team in the Ultra League.