AI Warlord’s friendship or rivalry status with the player's Warlord affects the relationship between two factions.Now, AI Warlords also take into account any spy actions the player has against them.AI will response with contemporary measures. While AI factions in past games took note of player's military strength, they now take into account how aggressive the players are, the personal relationship and like/dislike between two faction leaders. However, another faction's attitude towards you is colored by more than just military and diplomatic capability in previous titles. The player's diplomatic standing with another faction is still the key factor in determining AI's attitude. The idea is to balance the scales with different offers until the player reach a positive figure of at least +1, which ensures the other part will sign. When the player approaches a Warlord and proposes a deal, the player will get a positive or negative evaluation figure, indicating how much cost he attaches to it. Diplomatic dealings now take the form of haggling, and with more tradeable items, resources and pacts in your diplomatic armoury than ever before, the player is less reliant on pure cash deals. The new Negotiation system in the Total War: Three Kingdoms is a key change for diplomacy that introduces a more granular negotiation.